Criminal Record, Vulnerable Sector Search, and Adult and Child Abuse Registry Checks

All pharmacy student, intern, pharmacy technician, and pharmacist applicants must submit current Criminal Record, Vulnerable Sector Search, and Adult and Child Abuse Registry Checks.

Criminal Record, Vulnerable Sector Search, and Adult and Child Abuse Registry Checks

Your application to the College to practice as a pharmacy student or intern, pharmacy technician, or pharmacist must include a

  • Criminal Record Check including a Vulnerable Sector Search;
  • Adult Abuse Registry Check; and
  • Child Abuse Registry Check.

Your checks are considered current only if the Registrar receives them within six months or less of the dates they were completed.

The name you list on your Checks must match your name on other application documents, exactly. If it is impossible to match your names exactly, all variations of your name used on your application documents must be listed as aliases on the Checks. As well, all previous names or aliases, such as a maiden name, must be listed.

What is a Criminal Record Check?

Criminal Record Check (sometimes called a police record check) indicates if you have been charged with or convicted of a crime. Your Criminal Record Check must be performed by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) or another Canadian police service, which confirms the check was completed using Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC) and based on the National Repository of Criminal Records of Canada.

What is a Vulnerable Sector Search?

Vulnerable Sector Search is an additional police information search to see if a person has a record suspension (pardon) for sexual offences.

How do I Submit a Criminal Record Check including Vulnerable Sector Search to the College?

Outside of British Columbia (BC), a Vulnerable Sector Search must be conducted by the local police service where you live. Within BC, vulnerable sector checks can be conducted by the local police or the British Columbia Criminal Records Review Program.

If you live in Winnipeg and you have been a resident of Canada for at least one year, you can complete your Criminal and Vulnerable Sector Search online through the Winnipeg Police Service (WPS) electronic Police Information Check online system (ePIC):

To submit your criminal record checks to CPhM, kindly refer to the instructions outlined in the following document and follow the provided steps: Criminal Record Check Submission Steps

If you live in a rural community in Manitoba with a local police service, you may apply for a Criminal Record Check and Vulnerable Sector Search through your local detachment. Some examples include the Brandon Police Service, Altona Police Service, or Winkler Police Service.

If you live outside Winnipeg or outside of Manitoba, you can complete your Criminal Record Check with the RCMP or your local police service, but your Vulnerable Sector Search must be completed by the police service where you live.

What are the Adult and Child Abuse Registry Checks?

The Adult Abuse Registry lists people who have abused or neglected a vulnerable adult such as a person with a disability while the Child Abuse Registry lists people who have abused or neglected children.

How Do I Submit the Adult and Child Abuse Registry Checks to the College?

You must apply directly to the Adult Abuse Registry and Child Abuse Registry to obtain these checks. The Checks cannot be forwarded to a third-party. Please submit your original Checks with your application.