

The College of Pharmacists of Manitoba (CPhM) policy framework provides additional detail and sets out process to operationalize the Pharmaceutical Act, regulations, and bylaws.  This framework ensures consistent application of the legislation.

CPhM Council is accountable to the policy framework and is committed to applying these policies consistently and transparently.

Administering the Act

These policies are set out to establish consistent processes for operational matters and clear protocols and expectations for applicants, registrants, and the public.  

Change of Pharmacy Ownership

To outline the process through which the College of Pharmacists of Manitoba (CPhM) will assess and levy a fee for pharmacies that do not provide required information on changes related to pharmacy operation or ownership.

Change of Pharmacy Ownership

Change of Pharmacy Ownership FAQ

Process to Review Pharmacy Requests for Reduced Hours of Operation

To establish a policy and criteria for the Registrar/CEO to review and approve pharmacy requests to operate less than the required minimum number of hours set in the Regulation and Practice Directions.

Process to Review Pharmacy Requests for Reduced Hours of Operation

Council Governance

The governance policies (GP) guide Council in carrying out their stewardship duties and fiduciary obligations to regulate the pharmacy professions in the public interest.

GP 01: Appointments Committee – Terms of Reference

The Appointments Committee is a Council committee that is responsible for recommending appointments to Council. The Council aims to have a diverse and inclusive membership on Council.

GP 01: Appointments Committee – Terms of Reference

GP 02: Appointments Committee – Council Member Selection Process

To provide details on the process for application and selection of the pharmacy professional Council members for the College of Pharmacists of Manitoba (CPhM).

Note: Public representatives to Council are appointed by the government through the Minister responsible for Health.

GP 02: Appointments Committee – Council Member Selection Process

GP 03: Competencies for Council Appointments Process

The purpose of this policy is to establish a framework for Council succession planning and the selection of new Council members. The policy applies to appointments to Council made by Council in accordance with subsection 7(3) of the Pharmaceutical Act. It does not apply to appointments to Council made by the Minister under subsection 7(4) of the Pharmaceutical Act.

GP 03: Competencies for Council Appointments Process

GP 04: Role of the Council and Officers of Council

To outline the roles of the Council and the Council Chair.

GP 04: Role of the Council and Officers of Council

GP05: Registrar/CEO Position Description

To summarize the job expectations of the Registrar/CEO for the College of Pharmacists of Manitoba.

GP05: Registrar/CEO Position Description

GP06: Council and Registrar/CEO Accountability Relationship

To outline the accountability relationship between the Council and the Registrar/CEO.

GP06: Council and Registrar/CEO Accountability Relationship

GP07: Registrar/CEO Performance Evaluation

Achievement of, or progress on, the College mandate, Council identified priorities, goals of the College’s Strategic Plan, and the Registrar/CEO position description are considered by Council to indicate effective performance by the Registrar/CEO. The Registrar/CEO Performance Evaluation is conducted on an ongoing basis throughout the year with regular feedback between the Council and the Registrar/CEO. This policy describes the process for the annual Registrar/CEO Performance Evaluation.

GP07: Registrar/CEO Performance Evaluation

GP 08: Executive Committee – Terms of Reference

The Executive Committee is a standing committee of Council that is responsible for governance, committee structures, and succession planning for both Council and senior management, as well as other duties as delegated to it by Council.

GP 08: Executive Committee – Terms of Reference

GP09: Council Delegation of Operational Authority to Registrar/CEO

To outline the authorities the Council delegates to the Registrar/CEO for achieving specific outcomes and to carry out the work. All authority is delegated through the Registrar/CEO therefore the Registrar/CEO is accountable for the actions of all CPhM staff.

GP09: Council Delegation of Operational Authority to Registrar/CEO

GP 10: Quality Assurance Committee – Terms of Reference

The Quality Assurance Committee is a standing committee of Council that is responsible for oversight of CPhM’s Quality Assurance Program which helps ensure the continuing competency of pharmacists and pharmacy technicians to promote high practice standards amongst registrants.

GP 10: Quality Assurance Committee – Terms of Reference

GP 11: Conflict of Interest

To assist Council members and Committee members to recognize situations in which they have an interest that competes or conflicts with their roles as Council members and Committee members.

To provide a procedure to deal with potential, perceived or actual conflicts of interest.

GP 11: Conflict of Interest

GP 12: Professional Practice Committee – Terms of Reference

The Professional Practice Committee is a standing committee of Council that is responsible for providing direction related to the quality of pharmacy practice and service, incorporating the concepts of person-centered pharmaceutical care. Focus will be on the development and maintenance of Standards of Practice, practice directions and related policies, guidelines, and procedures.

GP 12: Professional Practice Committee – Terms of Reference

GP 13: Reimbursement of Costs Incurred

To outline the policy related to claims for reimbursement of expenses incurred by Council and Committee members.

GP 13: Reimbursement of Costs Incurred

GP 14: Remuneration and Expense Claim Limitations

To outline the timelines to which Council and Committee members will adhere when submitting remuneration and expense claims for payment from CPhM.

GP 14: Remuneration and Expense Claim Limitations

GP 15: Extended Practice Advisory Committee – Terms of Reference

The Extended Practice Advisory Committee is a statutory committee established by Section 99 of The Pharmaceutical Regulation. The Committee is responsible for oversight of the guidelines and practices related to extended practice pharmacists.

GP 15: Extended Practice Advisory Committee – Terms of Reference

GP 16: Dispensing Practitioners’ Committee – Terms of Reference

The Dispensing Practitioners’ Committee is a statutory committee of Council established by Section 88 of The Pharmaceutical Regulation. The Committee considers and decides on applications from practitioners who are not full registered pharmacists to be designated as dispensing practitioners in order to improve patient care and safety in remote communities that do not have reasonable access to pharmacy services.

GP 16: Dispensing Practitioners’ Committee – Terms of Reference

GP 17: Complaints Committee – Terms of Reference

The Complaints Committee is delegated authority in Section 30 of The Pharmaceutical Act (the Act) to investigate and make decisions on complaint matters related to the conduct of CPhM registrants, owners, students, and interns.

GP 17: Complaints Committee – Terms of Reference

GP 18: Discipline Committee – Terms of Reference

The Discipline Committee is delegated authority in Section 44 of The Pharmaceutical Act (the Act) to hear and make determination of matters referred by the Complaints Committee relating to alleged professional misconduct, incompetence, or inability to practice pursuant to the legislation.

GP 18: Discipline Committee – Terms of Reference

GP 19: Board of Examiners – Terms of Reference

The Board of Examiners (BOE) works with CPhM staff to consider and decide on applications for registration, as outlined Section 10 of the Pharmaceutical Act.

GP 19: Board of Examiners – Terms of Reference

GP 20: Code of Conduct for Council Members & Committee Members

To establish the ethical and professional standards that all Council members and committee members are expected to uphold.

GP 20: Code of Conduct for Council Members & Committee Members

GP 21: Signing Authorities

To outline the policy for designating the persons who are authorized to approve and execute contracts, resources, and actual payments related to financial commitments on behalf of the College of Pharmacists of Manitoba (CPhM).

This policy defines an authorized signatory. In conjunction with Council Governance Policy GP09: Council Delegation of Operational Authority to Registrar / CEO, it specifies those delegated signing and approval authority.

GP 21: Signing Authorities

GP 22: Finance Committee – Terms of Reference

The Finance Committee is a standing committee of Council that is responsible to review and monitor the financial affairs of CPhM: financial planning and budget preparations, financial condition, and financial policiesThe Committee reports and makes recommendations to Council. 

GP 22: Finance Committee – Terms of Reference

GP 23: Council Meeting Types, Sessions and Purpose

To identify the types of meetings, and various sessions therein, conducted by Council, to define the purpose of each type and session, and to clarify situations in which the public or the Registrar and others may be excluded from a portion of a Council meeting and establish procedures for same.

GP 23: Council Meeting Types, Sessions and Purpose

GP 24: Financial Planning Principles

To outline the principles to which Council will adhere when engaged in financial planning for CPhM.   

 Council may delegate these tasks, or sections thereof, to an appropriate committee, such as the Finance Committee.  

 These principles uphold Council and committees’ fiduciary relationship with CPhM. Council members and committee members have an obligation to act in CPhM’s best interests and avoid professional or personal influences. 

GP 24: Financial Planning Principles

GP 25: Investment Principles

To outline Council’s expectations of the Finance Committee regarding the management of investments. 

GP 25: Investment Principles