Notice: The CPhM phone system is currently in transition. We encourage the public, registrants, and other stakeholders to email with their phone number if they would like a call back, instead of leaving a phone message at this time.
The College of Pharmacists of Manitoba (CPhM) has protected the public interest in the practice of pharmacy since it was established in 1878. The authority to oversee the practice of pharmacy in Manitoba comes from The Pharmaceutical Act.
CPhM fulfills its public protection mandate by
- setting qualification and practice standards for pharmacists and pharmacy technicians;
- registering and licensing pharmacists and pharmacies and listing them in a public register;
- listing qualified pharmacy technicians in a public register;
- ensuring pharmacy professionals meet and maintain pharmacy practice and competence standards;
- responding to concerns and complaints about the conduct and/or competence of pharmacists; and
- promoting practice excellence and supporting pharmacy professionals to improve patient care and safety.
CPhM is governed by a Council that is made up of registrant-elected pharmacy professionals, public representatives, and other government-appointed members. Council oversees the pharmacy practice standards and lays out the strategic priorities, goals, and activities of CPhM staff. Together, the CPhM Council, Committees, and staff work together to improve the safety and quality of pharmacy practice in Manitoba—it’s about making a great system even better.

Our Purpose and Principles
CPhM is committed to protecting the public through safe, ethical, and person-centered pharmacy care.
Learn moreCouncil
CPhM is governed by Council. By legislated mandate, CPhM must protect the public interest and ensure patients receive safe, ethical care.
Learn more