Friday Five (January 22, 2021)

This week's Friday Five includes a Safety IQ update, information on the COVID-19 vaccine, and a naloxone update.

Safety IQ Update: National Incident Data Repository for Community Pharmacies

The requirements of Safety IQ, including reporting, analysis, and shared-learning from medication incidents and near-miss events involve the contribution of de-identified data to the National Incident Data Repository (NIDR) for Community Pharmacies

The NIDR is a component of Canadian Medication Incident Reporting and Prevention System (CMIRPS) and is housed at Institute for Safe Medication Practices Canada (ISMP Canada). CMIRPS is a collaborative pan-Canadian program of Health Canada, the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI), ISMP Canada and the Canadian Patient Safety Institute (CPSI). The goal of CMIRPS is to reduce and prevent harmful medication incidents in Canada through reporting, sharing and learning about medication incidents.

De-identified medication incident and near-miss event data submitted to the NIDR from pharmacies across Canada is analyzed by medication safety experts at ISMP Canada to identify contributing factors and national trends and share evidence-based resources with all Canadian health-care professionals.  

The data reported to the NIDR by community pharmacies is at an arm’s length from the College. The College will not have access to any identifying information about patients, pharmacies, or registrants. Instead, the College will receive data summaries that will support the development of Manitoba-specific resources to support patient safety and safety culture in pharmacy practice. 

For a pharmacy to submit medication incident data to the NIDR, several steps must be taken by various stakeholders including medication incident reporting platform providers. Please see the 4 Steps to Submit Data to the NIDR resource for more information. All questions about the NIDR should be directed to ISMP Canada by email:  

The College recommends that pharmacy managers begin to take steps to prepare for Safety IQ as soon as possible. 

Manitoba Health COVID-19 Vaccine Webinar Update from Manitoba’s Vaccine Implementation Task Force

Manitoba Health recently released a webinar from Manitoba’s Vaccine Implementation Task Force on the province’s COVID-19 vaccination strategy titled “COVID-19 Vaccine: Webinar with the Health Care Sector”. It can be accessed at the following link:    

The webinar provides an overview of the COVID-19 vaccines available thus far, outlines the priority groups for immunizations and the rationale behind it.

All pharmacists are encouraged to regularly check the Manitoba Health COVID-19 Vaccine webpage for the most up-to-date information on the provincial immunization campaign. Of note, a new COVID-19 vaccination dashboard that shows provincial summary statistics on doses delivered to date has been launched.  

Additionally, a report update from Manitoba’s COVID-19 Vaccine Implementation Task Force is available for review, which confirms that as vaccines become more available and distribution is stable, medical offices and pharmacies may begin to offer the vaccine across the province. 

NACI’s Recommendations on the use of COVID-19 Vaccines

For the most up to date national clinical recommendations on the COVID-19 vaccine, pharmacists are encouraged to regularly review the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI)’s Recommendations on the Use of COVID-19 Vaccines for updates.

Of note, a revision that provides further clarity on NACI’s recommendations for immunosuppressed persons, persons with an autoimmune condition, and pregnancy and breastfeeding was issued on January 12, 2021, and can be found, here

Naloxone Amendment Update

On December 15, 2020, naloxone products packaged for use in opioid overdose became unscheduled in Manitoba. The announcement from the government of Manitoba can be found here

Legislative amendments were introduced to the Pharmaceutical Regulation, as approved by Council after member consultation, via the addition of subsection 84(5), which excludes naloxone products packaged for use in opioid overdose from the conditions for the sale of NAPRA Schedule 2 products, thereby permitting them to be sold: 

  • from any location or shelf in the pharmacy; 
  • without the involvement of a licensed pharmacist in the sale of the product; and 
  • without the requirement for the pharmacist to counsel individuals on the proper use and administration of the product in an opioid emergency; however, if requested, pharmacists are encouraged to provide counselling on proper use and administration.  

In addition, the government introduced additional amendments to the Pharmaceutical (General Matters) Regulation (which is under Ministerial authority) and the Regulated Health Professions General Regulation that allows for naloxone products packaged for use in opioid overdose to be sold at any retail location in Manitoba without the requirement for professional intervention. Together, these amendments help increase public access to naloxone. 

The naloxone category in the College Resource Library contains additional patient and pharmacy professional resources on naloxone. 

Manitoba Health Drug Shortages PIN List

Pharmacy professionals are encouraged to review the most recent Manitoba Health Drug Shortage PIN List. Prescriptions filled using these PINs, or any other PIN on this list, will not flag duplicate drug/duplicate therapy intervention codes (MW/MX/MY/MZ) in DPIN. 

Pharmacists are encouraged to review a patient’s DPIN profile, as required when filling a prescription for medication on this PIN list, to ensure the patient is not receiving duplicate therapy or at risk of a drug interaction. 

Questions regarding the PIN list can be directed to Manitoba Health’s PDP Information and Audit team via email to or via fax at 204-786-8560. 

Administration of Injection Training Programs

One of the requirements for a pharmacist to apply for Certification of Authorization to Administer Drugs and Vaccines by Injection is to complete a CCCEP stage II competency mapped injection training program. Please see the Administering Drugs and Vaccines by Injection Information Sheet for more information on the requirements to apply for certification of injection authorization. 

The Administration of Injections Training Program for Manitoba Pharmacists is a CCCEP stage II competency mapped program that was developed in partnership between the CPhM and the University of Manitoba College of Pharmacy in 2012 at a time when no other injection programs were offered in Manitoba. Starting in 2021, the College of Pharmacy at the University of Manitoba will no longer offer injection training workshops for practicing pharmacists due to decreased enrolment in recent years and the availability of other CCCEP stage II accredited injection training programs in Manitoba.    

A list of other accredited injection training programs in Canada can be found on the CCCEP website here. At least two of the providers listed offer training in Manitoba (Pear Healthcare Solutions and PharmAchieve). Please contact the injection training providers directly for information on their pre-requisite modules and upcoming workshops in Manitoba.  

Please note that all pharmacists who want to apply for injection authorization with CPhM are required to complete the Manitoba Module: Administration of injections, regardless of the injection training program completed.