Understanding the Differences Between a Regulatory Organization & an Advocacy Group

A chart contrasting the roles, responsibilities, and orientations of these entities as these pertain to health care professionals.

Understanding the Differences Between a Regulatory Organization & an Advocacy Group

The following chart outlines key distinctions between a regulator, exemplified by the College of Pharmacists of Manitoba (CPhM), and an association in the context of healthcare professions, particularly pharmacists and pharmacy technicians. The regulator, CPhM, is accountable to both the public and the government, ensuring mandatory registration for professionals and maintaining a transparent register. It actively engages in public education and regulates the conduct of its registrants. On the other hand, the association operates on a voluntary membership basis, advocating for professional interests, providing benefits, and engaging members for their professional needs. The chart underscores the differing roles, responsibilities, and orientations of these entities in the healthcare landscape.