Notice: The CPhM phone system is currently in transition. We encourage the public, registrants, and other stakeholders to email with their phone number if they would like a call back, instead of leaving a phone message at this time.
The College of Pharmacists of Manitoba (CPhM) prioritizes the input and perspectives of the public, pharmacy professionals, and other community partners in Manitoba. Consultations are how CPhM can seek feedback on proposed policies, guidelines, and initiatives aimed at enhancing the safety and effectiveness of pharmacy practice in Manitoba. By engaging with diverse audiences, we ensure that decisions are well-informed and reflective of the needs and expectations of those we serve. Your participation is invaluable in helping us fulfill our mandate to protect public health and uphold the standards of pharmacy practice.
Open Consultations
There are no current consultations.
Closed Consultations
Information about closed consultations can be found here:
Proposed Amendments to the Pharmaceutical Regulation for Pneumococcal Vaccines
Thank you to everyone who participated in this consultation on proposed amendments to the Pharmaceutical Regulation for Pneumococcal Vaccines.
CPhM invited feedback from all registrants, stakeholders, and the public on the following proposed amendments:
- Amendment to Schedule 2: This amendment will allow injection certified pharmacists to administer any of the two publicly funded pneumococcal vaccines, as well as any future publicly funded pneumococcal vaccines.
- Update to Hospital Definition: The definition of “hospital” in the Pharmaceutical Regulation will be updated to reference the “Health Services Insurance Act” instead of “The Hospitals Act”.
All feedback and comments are reviewed and considered by Council.
If you have any questions, please email
Consultation on Proposed Bylaw Draft
In 2020, Council of the College of Pharmacists of Manitoba (CPhM) initiated a comprehensive review of its current governance framework. This process aimed to modernize the framework and enhance its alignment with the principles of transparency, accountability, and a commitment to the public interest. Upon completing this initial review, the Governance Committee, in close collaboration with CPhM Council, proceeded to refine the bylaws, incorporating the recommended changes.
Town Hall Follow-Up: Q&A Insights
On January 29, 2024, a virtual town hall meeting was held as a supplement to the consultation process for proposed amendments to the CPhM Bylaws. All registrants were informed of the town hall and had the opportunity to attend the virtual event. During the meeting, attendees were presented with the highlights of the draft bylaws based on feedback received and engaged in a live Q&A session. Many questions had overlapping themes and subjects.
The following document summarizes the questions asked during the event, grouped by common themes: CPhM Townhall Q&A
If you have any comments or questions, please send to
Changes to the Electronic Transmission of Prescriptions Practice Direction and the Manitoba Prescribing Practices Program (M3P)
Thank you to everyone who participated in this consultation on proposed changes to the Electronic Transmission of Prescriptions Practice Direction and the Manitoba Prescribing Practices Program (M3P).
CPhM invited feedback from all registrants, stakeholders, and the public on the following proposed changes:
- Allowing transfers of CDSA prescriptions
- Updated Joint Practice Direction for Electronic Transmission of Prescriptions
- Elimination of the Joint Statement on Prescribing Practices: Doctor/Pharmacist Relationships
- Replacement of the personalized M3P paper pads with standardized templates
- Addition of Codeine Products to the list of drugs covered under the M3P
All feedback and comments received are reviewed and considered by Council.
If you have any questions, please email
Consultation Process
In order to help guide the development of regulations, policies, guidelines and other documents related to pharmacy practice, CPhM periodically requests input from registrants of the profession, the public and community partners in Manitoba.
Documents that are available for consultation are posted on the CPhM website with clearly specified submission deadlines and questions to guide your feedback.
The CPhM Council and relevant staff members review and consider all feedback before finalizing any policy, guideline or other documents.
Consultation Framework
The College of Pharmacists of Manitoba (CPhM) is dedicated to engaging with members, the public, and stakeholders in the development of policies, guidelines, and regulations. The Regulation Amendment and Consultation Process ensures that feedback is solicited, considered, and valued, in line with CPhM’s mission and values.
Identification of Regulations Requiring Amendment
Council may receive requests to amend or repeal regulations from committees, members, or the Registrar. An individual or group may be tasked with researching and drafting the proposed changes.
Consultation, Feedback, and Development Process
- Proposal Creation: CPhM staff compiles a list of proposed regulation changes with rationale, focusing on patient care and safety.
- Initial Review: Consultation with the Executive of the Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists and Pharmacists Manitoba.
- Public Feedback: Registrants, the public, and stakeholders review and provide feedback on proposed changes.
- Government Consultation: A meeting with Manitoba Health, including the Deputy Minister and Legislative Drafting Unit, to discuss the changes.
- Council Review: A draft of the regulations is submitted to Council for consideration.
Feedback Process
- Written Feedback: Members and stakeholders can submit written feedback to the Registrar and/or President, including clear objectives and rationale.
- Special General Meetings: Upon request by at least 5% of voting members, Council will convene a meeting to discuss concerns about proposed regulations. Council must respond to all motions within 90 days.
Approval and Implementation
Council will consider all feedback and the results of the development process before finalizing new or amended regulations. The focus remains on improving patient care and safety, with a clear implementation plan and communication to all relevant parties.
Review Process
Council continuously reviews and assesses regulations to ensure their effectiveness and appropriateness. The feedback mechanisms are always available for member input.
Urgent Matters
In urgent situations, such as a pandemic or public health crisis, Council may develop regulations quickly but will follow the review and feedback process as soon as possible.