To administer drugs and vaccines by injection, pharmacists must:
- be a licensed, practicing member with the College of Pharmacists of Manitoba;
- successfully complete a CCCEP Stage II competency mapped injection training program or possess active injection authority from another Canadian jurisdiction that has the same CCCEP Stage II competency mapped injection training accreditation requirement;
- successfully complete the Manitoba Module: Administration of Injections;
- possess current certification in CPR Level C (or HCP) and Emergency or Standard First Aid from an in-person training program that is recognized as an approved first aid training agency/program/provider by the Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Branch of the Government of Manitoba; and
- apply and receive certification of injection authorization from the College of Pharmacists of Manitoba within one year of completing the required training or within one year of graduating from a Faculty of Pharmacy in Canada.
Information on CCCEP Stage II competency mapped injections training, including a list of accredited injection training programs, can be found here:
The Injection Competency – Manitoba Module 16 (Manitoba Module) is a training requirement for all pharmacists applying for injection authority in Manitoba. The Manitoba Module is hosted by Continuing Pharmacy Education, College of Pharmacy, Dalhousie University. The registration form for this program is available at the following link:
To Apply: Submit the following documents to mailbox and use the subject line: Injection Auth Application – Your Name – Your License #
- Certification of Authorization to Administer Drugs and Vaccines by Injection Application Form.
- Certificate of successful completion of a CCCEP Stage II continuing education course on the administration of drugs by injection OR documentation/letter of standing from the Canadian regulatory authority where injection authorization is currently held
- Statement of successful completion of the Manitoba Module: Administration of Injections
- CPR/First Aid Certification
Intern Authorization to Administer Drugs and Vaccines by Injection
If an intern and preceptor wish the intern to have the ability to administer drugs and vaccines by injection during the internship under the supervision of an injection certified pharmacist, the intern must apply and received injection authorization from the College of Pharmacists of Manitoba before they can inject. Completed applications for Intern Certification for Authorization to Administer Drugs and Vaccines by Injection and supporting documents can be sent to the College of Pharmacists of Manitoba by email to (preferred method), fax to 204-237-3468, or mail to 200 Tache Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R2H 1A7.
The intern should be reminded that, upon being licensed by the College of Pharmacists of Manitoba, the intern must apply to receive authorization to administer drugs and vaccines by injection as a licensed pharmacist.
Maintaining Authorization to Administer Drugs and Vaccines by Injection
Pharmacists must submit a self-declaration of proficiency of knowledge and skills as part of annual renewal.
Retraining in a full CCCEP Stage II competency mapped injection course is required if a pharmacist has not administered an injection in the preceding three years or within one year of completing the initial training requirements.
Pharmacists must notify CPhM if they have let their CPR/First Aid certification lapse, or, if at any point, have not maintained the injection requirements for continued certification of authorization.
- Administration of Injections Reference
- Practice Direction Standard of Practice # 5: Administration of Drugs including Vaccines
- Administration of Drugs Including Vaccines Policy and Procedure Manual Content Template. This document outlines the minimum content of a manual for the administration of drugs and vaccines. It is a tool pharmacy professionals/managers can use to develop a site-specific manual on the administration of drugs and vaccines by injection as required by the practice direction listed above.
- Position Statement on Injections of Neuromodulators and Dermal Fillers
- Shoulder Injury Related to Vaccine Administration: Causes, Response, and Prevention
- Immunization Program Manual for Immunization Providers in Manitoba
- Needle Stick Injury Guidelines
- Pharmacist Administration of Hazardous Medications
- Administration of Injections to Young Children (Ages 2-5) Resource List
- Medication Incidents in COVID-19 Vaccine Administration in Children: Contributing Factors and Prevention Strategies
- Manitoba Module: Administration of Injections (for reference without post-test)

Prescribing Drugs for Self-Limiting Conditions
Pharmacists can complete requisite Council-approved education, training, and application process to prescribe Drugs for Self-Limiting Conditions.
Learn more