Notice: The CPhM phone system is currently in transition. We encourage the public, registrants, and other stakeholders to email with their phone number if they would like a call back, instead of leaving a phone message at this time.

Adding Components to Your Pharmacy

To add External Dispensing, Lock and Leave Permit, and Satellite Pharmacy components to your pharmacy your pharmacy must meet specific requirements.

Lock & Leave Component

A lock & leave permit allows pharmacy operation without the physical presence of a pharmacist. Before applying, review the Practice Direction for information on the requirements.


Section 37 of the Pharmaceutical Regulations: Application for Lock And Leave Component

Practice Direction: Lock and Leave Component

Central Fill Component

Before applying, review the Practice Direction for information on the requirements.


Section 38 of the Pharmaceutical Regulations: Central Fill Component

Practice Direction: Central Fill Component

Secondary Hospital Services Component

Before applying, review the Practice Direction for information on the requirements.


Section 39 of the Pharmaceutical Regulations: Secondary Hospital Services Component

Practice Direction: Secondary Hospital Component

Personal Care Home Component

Before applying, review the Practice Direction for information on the requirements.


Section 40 of the Pharmaceutical Regulations: Personal Care Home Component

Practice Direction: Personal Care Component

Distance Care Component

Please contact for more information.


Section 41 of the Pharmaceutical Regulations: Distance Care Component

External Dispensing Component

If you seek to establish an external dispensing location in a community without reasonable access to pharmacy services, you must submit an application form.


Section 42 of the Pharmaceutical Regulations: External Dispensing Component

Satellite Pharmacy Component

Managers or owners seeking to establish a satellite component for an existing community pharmacy licence must submit an application form. Before applying, review the criteria for information.


Section 43 of the Pharmaceutical Regulations: Satellite Pharmacy Component

Satellite Component Criteria


Click here for the application form to add a component to your pharmacy.

For any questions or concerns not outlined on this page or if you need further clarification about practice directions, please contact