Notice: The CPhM phone system is currently in transition. We encourage the public, registrants, and other stakeholders to email with their phone number if they would like a call back, instead of leaving a phone message at this time.

Annual Listing Renewal

Pharmacy technicians must renew their listing with CPhM annually to demonstrate that they remain competent and have met the renewal requirements to practice in Manitoba.

The Annual Listing Renewal is an opportunity for pharmacy technicians to demonstrate that they have maintained their competence to practice in Manitoba. Pharmacy technicians must meet practice hour, professional development, and performance review requirements.

Pharmacy technicians renew their listing with the College of Pharmacists of Manitoba (CPhM) on a yearly basis through an online process. In early October of each year, CPhM opens the renewal portal and notifies pharmacy technicians that the process has started.

Practice Hours

Pharmacy technicians are required to work a minimum of 600 practice hours in the preceding three-year period, starting three years after they were first listed, to maintain their listing as a pharmacy technician with CPhM. For example, if a pharmacy technician was first listed with CPhM in October 2020, they must work at least 600 hours as a pharmacy technician by October 2023. These practice hours should be documented by the pharmacy manager as part of the pharmacy technician’s performance review. This practice hour requirement is similar to that for pharmacists in Manitoba. The 600 practice hour minimum must go beyond the duties of a pharmacy assistant to encompass the pharmacy technician scope of practice.

These practice hours do not need to include performing a final check of a prescription.

If pharmacy technicians have undertaken the other technician tasks within their scope of practice, those practice hours would qualify.

What if I do not have enough practice hours to meet this requirement?

If you do not meet the practice hour requirements or if you are returning to practice after an absence from listing, please contact CPhM by email at for provisional renewal requirements.

Professional Development

The professional development (PD) requirement for pharmacy technicians is a minimum of 15 hours of learning activities completed annually between November 1 and October 31. Of these 15 hours, a minimum of five hours must be from accredited learning activities and the remaining 10 hours can be fulfilled by either accredited or non-accredited learning activities.

Pharmacy technicians can complete learning activities accredited for pharmacists and claim it as accredited learning, but must always stay within their scope of practice while performing their duties at a pharmacy.

For convenience in maintaining professional development records, CPhM has provided a PD Log for Pharmacy Technicians template (in Word form) that pharmacy technicians may use.

For a selection of PD options for pharmacy technicians, please visit the Learning Activities page.

Performance Review

Pharmacy technicians must participate in a performance review with their pharmacy manager, or delegate, at the practice site at a minimum of every two years. This review must include documentation of

  • the total number of hours the pharmacy technician has worked (please be reminded, hours worked as a pharmacy assistant are not eligible under this requirement);
  • an assessment of the pharmacy technician’s job performance in terms of quality of patient care, administrative skills and the ability to work consistently within the rules governing the pharmacy and pharmacy practice; and
  • completion of the PD requirement.

Performance Review FAQ

Review the following FAQ for additional information and clarification on the the performance review requirements for pharmacy technicians.

What does the pharmacy manager need to document for a pharmacy technician performance review?

The performance review must include documentation of:

  • an assessment of the technician’s performance in terms of quality of patient care, administrative skills and the ability to work consistently within the rules governing the pharmacy and pharmacy practice;
  • the total number of hours the individual has worked as a pharmacy technician; and
  • meeting the annual professional development (PD) requirement, even for the time period between review

How often does the pharmacy manager need to complete a performance review of a pharmacy technician?

Pharmacy technicians must participate in a performance review with their pharmacy manager or delegate at the practice site(s) at least every two years. However, many pharmacy managers will perform these reviews annually (or more often according to their pharmacy’s policies).

Does the pharmacy manager need to complete a performance review if the pharmacy technician only works part-time at their pharmacy?

Yes, the pharmacy manager or delegate needs to complete and document the performance review even if a pharmacy technician only works part-time.

Is there a specific template that must be used to document this information?

There is no performance review template specific for pharmacy managers and pharmacy technicians to use.  The performance review must include documentation of the items above and can include any other items the pharmacy manager wishes to address.

Does documentation of the performance review need to be submitted to the College of Pharmacists of Manitoba?

No, documentation of performance reviews does not need to be submitted to the College but should be maintained with the pharmacy’s human resource files.  These documents may be requested from the pharmacy manager by the College at any time.  As well, during a pharmacy inspection, the College field officer may ask the pharmacy manager to provide documentation for any pharmacy technicians employed at the pharmacy. Pharmacy technicians must declare that they have completed the renewal requirements as part of their annual listing renewal.

If a pharmacy technician is employed as a pharmacy assistant, can those hours be applied to the practice hour requirement of a minimum of 600 hours in the past three years?

No, if an individual is employed as a pharmacy assistant, those hours are not eligible practice hours. An individual must be employed in a pharmacy technician position to complete the tasks of a pharmacy technician and in order for the hours worked to count towards the minimum practice hour requirements. If a technician will not meet, or anticipates that they will not meet, the practice hour requirement, they must contact the College for more information and direction.

The 600-practice hour minimum must go beyond the duties of a pharmacy assistant to encompass the pharmacy technician scope of practice. These practice hours do not need to include performing a final check of a prescription. If pharmacy technicians have undertaken the other technician tasks within their scope of practice, those practice hours would qualify.

Pharmacy Technician Scope of Practice

The pharmacy technician scope of practice focuses on the knowledge, skills, and abilities associated with the technical aspects of prescription and patient information, and of product and drug distribution.

Learn more

Accredited Learning Activities

All practicing pharmacists and pharmacy technicians in Manitoba must maintain a log that documents their professional development activities. Access learning opportunities and familiarize yourself with this licensing requirement.

Learn more