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Structured Practical Training Program

The Structured Practical Training Program ensures that pharmacy technician applicants develop the competencies they need to practice as pharmacy technicians in Manitoba.

The Structured Practical Training Program ensures that pharmacy technician applicants develop the competencies they need to practice as pharmacy technicians in Manitoba. 

The pharmacy technician Structured Practical Training (SPT) Program is part of the application process to become listed as a pharmacy technician with the College of Pharmacists of Manitoba (CPhM). The SPT Program ensures that pharmacy technician applicants meet the competencies and standards of practice outlined in the 2014 National Association of Pharmacy Regulatory Authorities (NAPRA) Professional Competencies of Canadian Pharmacy Technicians at Entry to Practice. 

The pharmacy technician SPT Program allows applicants to apply and enhance their knowledge, skills, and abilities under the supervision of an approved supervisor. The Program is completed by the pharmacy technician-in-training over a minimum number of hours of work in a patient-care setting.   

  • Graduates of a CCAPP-accredited Canadian pharmacy technician program or CPhM approved bridging program who list less than three years post-graduation, must complete a minimum of 240 hours (six weeks) of structured practical training.  
  • Graduates of a CCAPP-accredited Canadian pharmacy technician program or CPhM approved bridging program who list three or more years post-graduation, must complete a minimum of 360 hours (nine weeks) of structured practical training.  
  • International pharmacy technician graduates  
  • must complete a minimum of 480 hours (twelve weeks) of structured practical training.  

During this time, the pharmacy technician-in-training must satisfactorily demonstrate the competencies and will receive detailed evaluations from their supervisor. The SPT Program is a mandatory part of becoming a pharmacy technician in Manitoba and the practice site and supervisor must be approved by CPhM before applicants can begin. 

See the Structured Practical Training Program Manual and Logbook for more information including where to access the forms. 



Frequently Asked Questions

Please see the FAQ on the SPT Program below. If you have any additional questions, please email  

When can I begin the SPT Program?

You must complete the following requirements before you can begin your SPT: 

  1. Submit the appropriate application form and receive approval from the College 
  2. Find a qualified SPT supervisor and practice site 
  3. Submit a Pharmacy Technician Structured Practical Training Notification and receive approval from the College. 

For more information on these steps, please see the Structured Practical Training Program Manual. 

How long will my SPT Program take to complete?

The SPT program is completed by the pharmacy technician-in-training over a minimum number of hours of work in a patient-care setting; however, it can be extended to a maximum of six months. 


Graduates of a CCAPP-accredited Canadian pharmacy technician program or CPhM approved bridging program who list less than three years post-graduation, must complete a minimum of 240 hours (six weeks) of structured practical training. 


Graduates of a CCAPP-accredited Canadian pharmacy technician program or CPhM approved bridging program who list three or more years post-graduation, must complete a minimum of 360 hours (nine weeks) of structured practical training. 


International pharmacy technician graduates must complete a minimum of 480 hours (twelve weeks) of structured practical training. 

What requirements does my SPT program site need to meet?

The practice site must be a licensed community pharmacy or hospital pharmacy where staff are engaged in patient care and where all requirements of the SPT program can be effectively completed. Activities and services conducted at the practice site must include dispensing, compounding, and product preparation. Your primary supervisor or pharmacist delegate must be present at the SPT site during all of your SPT Program activities. 

What requirements does my SPT supervisor need to meet?

An SPT supervisor can be either a listed pharmacy technician or a licensed pharmacist with the College who meets appropriate qualifications. 


Pharmacy technician supervisors must meet ONE of the following qualifications: 

  • Pharmacy technicians who graduated from a Canadian Council for Accreditation of Pharmacy Programs (CCAPP) accredited course and has been listed with the College for at least two years; OR 
  • Pharmacy technicians who completed an approved Pharmacy Technician Bridging Program and Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada (PEBC) certification and has been with the College for at least one year; OR 
  • Be approved by the College Registrar. 

Supervisors must meet ALL of the following qualifications: 

  • Possession of a licence (pharmacist) or listing (pharmacy technician) free from practice conditions; 
  • Capability to review the pharmacy technician-in-training’s assignments for accuracy and completeness; AND 
  • Be free from conflict of interest with regard to the pharmacy technician-in-training; AND 
  • Complete one of the mandatory preceptor training programs. 

What is a conflict of interest?

A conflict of interest is any real or perceived relationship that jeopardizes fairness or objectivity. Relationships with family members, close friends, or business partners can be cause for a conflict of interest. Your SPT supervisor and practice site must be free from these relationships, or such a relationship needs to be declared to the College Registrar and considered for approval. Conflict of interest considerations extend to ALL staff at an SPT practice site. 

When do I need to take the College Jurisprudence Examination?

After submitting your initial application and receiving approval from the College, you can register for the College of Pharmacists of Manitoba Jurisprudence Examination (JP Exam) after you have submitted proof of having completed the Jurisprudence Modules.  The modules are hosted by the University of Manitoba (U of M) Continuing Professional Development (CPD) website, and you can complete the modules at any time. You must successfully complete the JP Exam prior to becoming listed.  It is strongly recommended that the pharmacy technician-in-training attempt the exam early in their training to prevent delays in listing. 


If you are a Canadian Mobility Agreement applicant, you must submit your application and submit proof of having completed the Jurisprudence Modules before you can register for the (JP Exam). 

Can I work more than 40 hours per week to complete my SPT program more quickly?

No. A pharmacy technician-in-training cannot work more than 40 hours per week or 8 hours per day at their supervising pharmacy. 

What is the Demonstration of Product Release Proficiency?

Demonstration of Product Release Proficiency (DPRP) is a pharmacy technician-in-training demonstration of 200 consecutive technical checks of product preparation or prescription fills with one hundred per cent accuracy. The items that you check must be done using an independent double check. An independent double check means that a second qualified individual verifies the product preparation or prescription fill. 


You can start your DPRP at any time during your SPT, but your supervisor must be confident in your ability to perform the checks. You can complete a maximum of 50 checks per day. If you make an error, you must begin the process again regardless of how many checks you performed before making the error. For example, if you make a mistake on your 199th check, you must begin again. 

Pharmacy Technician Scope of Practice

The pharmacy technician scope of practice focuses on the knowledge, skills, and abilities associated with the technical aspects of prescription and patient information, and of product and drug distribution.

Learn more

Annual Listing Renewal

Pharmacy technicians must renew their listing with CPhM annually to demonstrate that they remain competent and have met the renewal requirements to practice in Manitoba.

Learn more