Notice: The CPhM phone system is currently in transition. We encourage the public, registrants, and other stakeholders to email with their phone number if they would like a call back, instead of leaving a phone message at this time.

Pharmacist Status and Information Updates

Pharmacists must inform CPhM of employer change, legal name change, or change in practice status.

Employer Change

If your employer has changed, you must inform CPhM by logging into your Pharmacist Portal and updating your profile information. You must update your employment information within 30 days of an employer change.

Name Change

If you have changed your name, you must forward a copy of the marriage/divorce/name change certificate to CPhM, to to update your registrant profile, and an updated licence will then be available.

Changing Your Status From Non-practicing to Practicing

If you are currently a non-practicing member and are returning to active practice, please log in to your member profile, click on the link for the Non-practicing to Practicing application form, and proceed with the renewal.

Letters of Standing

If you require a letter of standing, please email the Registration Officer at and supply the following:

  • Your name
  • Your home address
  • The name and address of the organization you would like the letter to be mailed

There is a cost associated with this service. Once CPhM confirms your email address, we will let you know your payment options.

Pharmacist Licence Renewal

Each year, pharmacy professionals must meet the guidelines set out for licensure for the following year.

Learn more

Accredited Learning Activities

All practicing pharmacists and pharmacy technicians in Manitoba must maintain a log that documents their professional development activities. Access learning opportunities and familiarize yourself with this licensing requirement.

Learn more