Notice: The CPhM phone system is currently in transition. We encourage the public, registrants, and other stakeholders to email with their phone number if they would like a call back, instead of leaving a phone message at this time.

Find a Pharmacy or Pharmacy Professional

As part of its mandate to serve the public interest, CPhM maintains a public register of all pharmacies, pharmacists, and pharmacy technicians.

Find a Pharmacy or Pharmacy Professional

Search the Public Registers

This public register is used to confirm that a pharmacy professional is eligible to practice in Manitoba. It is a search tool intended to help the public identify whether a person providing services as a pharmacist or pharmacy technician is registered with the College of Pharmacists of Manitoba, and whether there are any conditions or restrictions on that pharmacy professional’s eligibility to practice.

The verification information on this site is current as of the date and time shown and is subject to change. CPhM makes every attempt to ensure all information displayed is accurate, however, in the event of a discrepancy between the information displayed on the “CPhM Public Registers” and that provided by the Registrar / CEO, the information provided by the Registrar / CEO will be deemed to be correct.

This is a search tool and will return results based on the information entered in the search fields. The more information entered, the more accurate the search results. This search tool is not intended to be a means by which a user of the public register could generate a complete list of the entire register. In fact, for security reasons, it is set to return a limited number of results in a single search.

The information on this site is not designed nor is it intended to be used for any other purpose and is provided pursuant to The Pharmaceutical Act of Manitoba. The information posted in the CPhM public register is not to be used for any commercial, marketing, or fundraising purposes.

For a variety of reasons, the Public Register information provided through this website may not be complete. To verify information regarding a registrant of CPhM, send your request to

Find a Pharmacy

Find locations, hours, and contact information for pharmacies licensed in Manitoba. Each listing also provides the names of the pharmacy owner and manager.

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Find a Pharmacy Professional

Search the register to find a licensed pharmacist in Manitoba, including any special services they are authorized to provide or conditions on their license. You can also search for pharmacy technicians registered with CPhM. Please note that pharmacy technicians have a limited role, focusing on the technical parts of handling prescriptions, based on specific legislated criteria.

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You and Your Pharmacy

You are in the best position to reach your health goals when you understand your rights and what to expect from the pharmacy professionals caring for you.

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Healthcare services provided by your pharmacist

Your pharmacist is a valuable member of your healthcare team. Working alongside the other healthcare professionals, your pharmacist helps ensure you get the best care possible.

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