Notice: The CPhM phone system is currently in transition. We encourage the public, registrants, and other stakeholders to email with their phone number if they would like a call back, instead of leaving a phone message at this time.
Pharmacists can provide the following health-care services:
Prescribe non-prescription or over-the-counter medications and medical devices such as diabetic supplies and metered-dose inhaler-spacer devices
Talking to your pharmacist when you need a non-prescription drug helps you to select the medication that is best for you. It also helps you to avoid harmful effects caused by any drug interactions or the worsening of your medical conditions.
Issue a continued care prescription
Working with your usual prescriber, your pharmacist can issue a prescription to extend the medication you need to treat a chronic condition when your usual prescriber is unavailable. Note this does not apply to narcotic and other controlled drugs.
Adapt a prescription
Working with you and your prescriber, your pharmacist can adapt a prescription by altering the dosage strength, formulation, or regimen of the drug prescribed to more closely meet your needs.
Interpret patient-administered automated tests
Your pharmacist can help you understand the results you receive when you perform a self-test for such things as blood glucose or cholesterol levels.
Provide you with a particular brand of the medication you use
If you or your prescriber have a preference for a particular brand of the drug you are taking, your pharmacist can ensure that you get it by ordering a “no substitution” of the medication. Note that your preferred brand may not be one that your drug insurance plan covers.
Administer a drug by injection*
Pharmacists who complete additional training and are authorized CPhM can provide injections of drugs such as vaccines. Contact your pharmacist to find out if they have the authorization to administer injections, and if you need to book an appointment.
Prescribe medications for self-limiting conditions*
Pharmacists who complete additional training and are authorized by CPhM can prescribe medications to treat certain self-limiting conditions. Examples of these conditions include dermatitis, acne, and quitting smoking.
Prescribe medications for uncomplicated, recurring bladder infection
Pharmacists who complete additional training and receive authorization from CPhM can prescribe medications to treat uncomplicated, recurring bladder infections for non-pregnant women.
Most non-pregnant patients with typical signs and symptoms of uncomplicated, recurring bladder infections may be prescribed treatment by an authorized pharmacist; however, under certain conditions, your pharmacist must refer you to another healthcare provider such as your primary care doctor or nurse practitioner. For example, if you are under the age of 16, reside in a long term-care home, or have another condition or circumstance that needs more specialized care.
The best thing you can do is talk with your pharmacist about your condition and work on a care plan that is right for you.
The Pharmacist Public Register lists all pharmacists and their additional authorizations.
Order lab tests for you*
Pharmacists who complete additional training and are authorized by CPhM will soon be able to order certain lab tests to help monitor how well your medication is working. In collaboration with your prescriber, these lab tests will help your pharmacist ensure you to get the most benefit from your medication therapy.
Prescribe medications within a collaborative practice (Extended Practice Pharmacist)*
Pharmacists authorized by CPhM who have advanced training and work in a collaborative practice with other health-care providers (such as physicians and nurse practitioners) can prescribe and manage your medication therapy within the scope of their practice. For example, a pharmacist with specialized training in diabetes management working in a diabetic clinic with a nurse practitioner may prescribe and monitor the medications you receive to manage your diabetes.
* The Pharmacist Public Register lists all pharmacists and their additional authorizations
Talk with your pharmacist today about how you can benefit from the additional health-care services they can provide.
Should you have questions about the additional healthcare services your pharmacist provides, contact CPhM at or 204.233.1411.
Resources for Patients and the Public
Patients and the public should be active participants in their healthcare. The resources listed in this section support your pharmacy care.
Learn moreFind a Pharmacy or Pharmacy Professional
As part of its mandate to serve the public interest, CPhM maintains a public register of all pharmacies, pharmacists, and pharmacy technicians. Find information about pharmacies and pharmacy professionals here.
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