Notice: The CPhM phone system is currently in transition. We encourage the public, registrants, and other stakeholders to email with their phone number if they would like a call back, instead of leaving a phone message at this time.

Resources for Patients and the Public

Patients and the public should be active participants in their healthcare. The resources listed in this section support your pharmacy care.

FAQ for the Public – Time-Delayed Safes in Manitoba Community Pharmacies

Pharmacies across Canada have been targeted by criminals for prescription drugs. Pharmacy robberies can put the public and pharmacy staff’s well-being at risk, and stolen prescription medications can contribute to the opioid crisis affecting our communities.

Community pharmacies in other provinces across Western Canada are required to use time-delayed safes to store medications targeted by criminals. This practice has been shown to be effective in preventing pharmacy robberies in other provinces.

As of January 31, 2024, Manitoba community pharmacies must use time-delayed safes to store narcotics and certain other medications. Although pharmacy robberies have not been frequent in Manitoba to date, this requirement is meant to prevent an increase and protect the health and safety of the public.

What is a time delayed safe and how does it work?

A time-delayed safe is a safe equipped with an electronic timer that prevents access to the safe’s contents until the correct combination has been entered and a pre-set amount of time has elapsed.

Will time delayed safes affect my ability to pick up prescriptions from my pharmacy?

While prescription pickups may take some additional time, patients continue to have complete access to the medications they need from their pharmacy. The implementation of time-delayed safes serves as an additional measure to enhance medication security, ensuring that medications are dispensed exclusively to patients.

How do time-delayed safes make pharmacies safer?

Thieves rely on getting in and out of a robbery as quickly as possible. A time delayed safe creates a waiting period between when the safe is accessed and when it can be opened to deter thieves who want to enter and leave a pharmacy quickly.
Time-delayed safes along with prominent signage have been effective at deterring robberies in other provinces. Robbery prevention protects patients and pharmacy staff from a potentially dangerous and traumatic experience and decreases the risk of prescription drugs being diverted to illegal markets.

How will I know if a pharmacy is using a time-delayed safe?

All community pharmacies in Manitoba are required to use a time-delayed safe to secure narcotic and controlled medications. Other kinds of medications may also be stored in the safe at your pharmacy’s discretion.
Pharmacies must post signs at the pharmacy entrance(s) and the dispensary indicating a time delayed safe is in use.

Pharmacy Care Resources for Patients and the Public

The resources listed below can support active participation in your pharmacy care.

Limited Supply of Children’s Fever and Pain Medication

The supply of pediatric acetaminophen and ibuprofen is currently limited due to increased demand.

Ask your pharmacist for individualized advice on children’s pain or fever medications if you have any questions.

Please see the resources below for more information about safely managing children’s pain and fever during the medication shortage:

Tramadol Prescribing and Dispensing

On March 31, 2022, new rules for the prescribing and dispensing of tramadol come into effect. Learn more about how these changes will effect your new or existing prescription for tramadol with the following FAQ:

Information for Parents on the Limited Supply of Infant Formula

Due to a global shortage of infant formulas for infants with food allergies and certain medical conditions, Canada is experiencing an acute shortage of extensively hydrolyzed formula (EHF) for moderate food allergies, and amino acid formulas (AAF) for complex or severe food allergies. Some of these formulas may be available at your local pharmacy. Call your local pharmacy to ask what is in stock or if they can order it for you. At the discretion of your pharmacy, the amount of formula you can purchase at one time may be limited and it might be kept behind the pharmacy counter to protect supply. A listing of Manitoba pharmacies is available through the Pharmacy Public Register.

For additional information and suggestions, please see the following resources:

Disposing of Unused Medication or Used Needles and Sharps

Keeping easily accessible medications and medical sharps devices (such as needles or lancets) around the house, and/or improper disposal of these products, puts family members, pets, garbage and municipal workers, janitors an housekeepers at risk of being harmed.

The Health Products Stewardship Association in partnership with Manitoba’s community pharmacies, developed return programs for unused medications and used medical sharps devices.

To learn more about proper disposal of unused medications, please visit

To learn more about proper disposal of used medical sharps devices such as needles or lancets, please visit

Medication Safety

The following resources an help you be an active partner in your healthcare to keep yourself safe when using prescription and non-prescription medications:


Naloxone is a life-saving drug that can temporarily reverse the effects of an opioid overdose and it is available in Manitoba without a prescription. Naloxone may be sold behind a pharmacy counter or in the retail area of the store. Ask your pharmacist where you can find naloxone. A pharmacist can also teach you how to use a naloxone kit in an opioid overdose emergency. 

Free take-home naloxone kits are also available to members of the public who are at risk of opioid overdose (toxicity), and family or friends who may witness opioid toxicity.

To find a naloxone distributor visit Naloxone Finder – Take Home Program | Health | Province of Manitoba.

To find out more about Manitoba’s Take-Home Naloxone Distribution Program visit Take-Home Naloxone Distribution Program | Health | Province of Manitoba. 

If you need help with an addiction, you can call the Manitoba Addictions Helpline at 1-855-662-6605, or visit 

The following resources will provide you with additional information about opioid overdose and naloxone:

Giving Naloxone by Injection

How to Inject Naloxone (video)

How to Inject Naloxone (Ampoules) (Print)

How to Inject Naloxone (Vials) (Print)

Giving Naloxone by Nasal Spray

How to Give Naloxone Nasal Spray (Video)

How to Use Naloxone Nasal Spray (Print)

Opioid Overdose and Naloxone Training Modules (Free)

Toward the Heart Naloxone Administration:


COVID-19 Resources for Patients and the Public

Please see the information and resources below to support your pharmacy care during COVID-19. Patients are also encouraged to visit Manitoba Health’s COVID-19 webpage for the latest information:

COVID-19 and Influenza Vaccines in Pharmacies for Children Two (2) Years of Age and Older

As of September 1, 2022, injection-certified pharmacists can give COVID-19 and seasonal flu vaccines to children two (2) years of age and older.

At this time, certified pharmacists can only give COVID-19 vaccines and flu vaccines that are part of Manitoba’s annual Seasonal Influenza Immunization Program to children two (2) years of age and older.

For all other vaccines, the age of administration remains at age seven (7) years and older.

Availability of COVID-19 and flu vaccines may be limited and can vary from pharmacy to pharmacy. Contact your local pharmacy for availability or use the Government of Manitoba Vaccine Finder to search for a provider:

Rapid Antigen Testing for COVID-19 at Pharmacies

As of November 23, 2021, a new Ministerial Order under The Regulated Health Professions Act allows pharmacists to perform and interpret rapid antigen tests and rapid molecular (non-PCR) COVID-19 tests for Manitobans for any reason. This new order replaces the previous one that only permitted rapid testing for travel purposes.

The COVID-19 rapid antigen tests may be self-administered by the person seeking the test or administered by the pharmacist and conducted within the pharmacy facility, with pharmacist test interpretation, communication of diagnosis, and documentation provided.

Contact your local pharmacy to ask if they provide this service.


Health Canada is advising Canadians not to use either the veterinary or human drug versions of Ivermectin to prevent or treat COVID-19.

There is no evidence to support the use of Ivermectin as a safe or effective way to treat or prevent COVID-19. In fact, Ivermectin (especially when it is prepared for use in livestock) can be dangerous to people and may cause serious health problems including vomiting, diarrhea, low blood pressure, allergic reactions, dizziness, seizures, coma and even death.

If you have purchased Ivermectin for the prevention or treatment of COVID-19:

  • stop using it and discard it by returning the product to the point of sale or any pharmacy for proper disposal
  • consult a healthcare professional if you have used Ivermectin and have health concerns
  • report any side effects from this product directly to Health Canada
  • submit a complaint to Health Canada should you have any information regarding the illegal advertising or sale of ivermectin or any other health product using its online complaint form is a Government of Manitoba website that can provide you with up-to-date information about the provincial COVID-19 vaccination campaign. The website ensures you have easy access to eligibility criteria, immunization sites, and myth-busting information.

Visit for more information.

COVID-19 Vaccines: Tips for Consumers

A recent newsletter shared tips with consumers to help them safely receive a COVID-19 vaccine. With the continuing evolution of vaccine guidance, as reported and widely discussed in the media, you may have questions about whether the vaccine is safe for you. For more information COVID-19 vaccines and how you can improve your safety, please see the following link:

Your Medications During COVID-19

You do not need to stockpile medications.

Speak to your pharmacist if you are worried about your medication supply. Older adults and those with underlying health conditions may wish to speak with their pharmacist about a prescription refill, so they do not have to go to a pharmacy if they do become sick.

If you are feeling unwell and require medications, call your pharmacy and they will arrange to provide you with the medications you need.

Please see the Health Canada notice advising Canadians to help support the continued supply of medication.



Potentially Serious Side Effects of Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine

Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine may cause serious side effects, including serious heart rhythm problems. The risk of these side effects may increase at higher doses, or if the drugs are used in combination with other drugs, such as the antibiotic azithromycin. Patients should use these drugs only under the supervision of a physician.

Please see the Health Canada notice on Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine.

You and Your Pharmacy

You are in the best position to reach your health goals when you understand your rights and what to expect from the pharmacy professionals caring for you.

Learn more

Find a Pharmacy or Pharmacy Professional

As part of its mandate to serve the public interest, CPhM maintains a public register of all pharmacies, pharmacists, and pharmacy technicians. Find information about pharmacies and pharmacy professionals here.

Learn more