Notice: The CPhM phone system is currently in transition. We encourage the public, registrants, and other stakeholders to email with their phone number if they would like a call back, instead of leaving a phone message at this time.

Scheduled Maintenance

Attention Registrants

Scheduled Maintenance: Data Management System Upgrade

Attention Registrants: the College of Pharmacists of Manitoba (CPhM) is undergoing a data management system upgrade to improve our services and enhance your experience. As a result, certain functions on your Pharmacy Professional and Pharmacy Portals accessed through your registrant login will remain temporarily unavailable. 

Registrant Portal Information Guide

Keep in mind that the new data management system is still being developed. In the next few months, further enhancements will allow registrants to access features available in the former system.

Please be advised that CPhM could not convert some legacy data from the former to the new system due to issues beyond its control. We regret these unfortunate circumstances and apologize for the challenges this creates. We are working to re-establish a complete set of features required to manage registrant information effectively. These features may function differently than those of the former system. Your cooperation and patience are appreciated.

PLEASE NOTE: If you are having issues logging in, we recommend emailing the Registration team and provide screenshot(s) as needed.

If you have further questions or concerns, please contact

CPSM Suboxone and Methadone Prescriber List  

To access the list, CPSM has developed a searchable prescriber portal specifically for pharmacists’ use. To log in, please contact your pharmacy manager to access the private username and password.  

Once logged in, you’ll have the ability to perform real-time searches on prescribers, allowing you to make informed decisions promptly. 

Important Points to Consider: 

  • Ensure you use a modern browser for optimal CPSM Portal performance. Older versions and Internet Explorer may cause website loading issues. 
  • For security purposes, the CPSM Pharmacist Portal will log you out after a period of inactivity. If this occurs, simply re-login to continue your work. 
  • This portal is exclusively designated for pharmacist use only. 

Urgent Change Requests

You can make the following urgent change requests to your personal or pharmacy profile by email to  

Individual registrants: 

  • Employment status (left a position or obtained new employment) using the following format: 
      • NOTE: Please use same bulleted format if you have multiple employers or employment changes
    • Full name and licence # (if applicable) 
    • Employer Name (pharmacy name & licence #) 
    • Start date and end date (whichever is applicable) 
    • Type (Permanent, Part-time, etc.) 
    • Role (Pharmacist, Relief Work, etc.)
    • Practice Hours (Per practice year)
  • Home address  
  • New CPR expiry dates 

Pharmacies/pharmacy managers: 

  • Pharmacy phone, fax number, or website 
  • Pharmacy hours 

Pharmacy managers, please note that your store records for employment status will automatically be updated when individual pharmacy professionals update their status with CPhM.  

You can find additional information about pharmacy profile changes on our website:  

The CPhM registration team is receiving a high volume of questions and requests. Please limit your email requests to urgent items only.