The College lists the most common questions it receives and the answers here. If you don't find the answer to the question you have, please contact the College so that we can help you.
June 10, 2020
Our Pharmacy Directory lists all licensed pharmacies in the province. The initials, “IPS” following a pharmacy’s name indicates that this pharmacy is also licensed to provide international prescription services and are authorized to send medications internationally.
June 10, 2020
Please visit our page on the steps you can take if you have a concern, which includes how to file a complaint.
June 10, 2020
The College continues to work with our stakeholders to ensure continuity of care is unaffected throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Be sure to review our resources for the public found on our dedicated COVID-19 page for the latest information regarding your prescriptions.
June 10, 2020
When you receive your prescription medication, you should feel free to ask any questions you have including the following:
June 10, 2020
The College of Pharmacists of Manitoba (College) is the governing and regulatory body for pharmacy professionals and pharmacies in Manitoba. The principal mandate of the College is protection of the public.
We carry out our mandate through the following activities:
June 10, 2020
We are working with the province on a date for ordering lab tests to begin. In the meantime, you can finish the Manitoba Module: Ordering Laboratory Tests to prepare for the implementation. For more information, contact CPhM at
June 10, 2020
The College continues to update registrants via email as new information becomes available. For any prior notices, review our resources for registrants found on the dedicated COVID-19 page.
June 10, 2020
If you have any questions or concerns about the new website, please contact
June 10, 2020
You will need to fill out the form on the back of the pharmacy license and mail it to the College with a cheque for the amount listed on the license.
Typically, the out-going manager and in-coming manager do a narcotic count together as per the Narcotic and Controlled Drug Accountability Guidelines. If that is not possible, the out-going manager should do a narcotic count with one of the staff members. Upon arrival, the new manager should perform another narcotic count as soon as possible also with one of the staff members.
Once the College processes the form, you will receive an updated license with the new pharmacy manager’s name listed.
July 27, 2020
Internship candidates must successfully complete the requirements outlined by the provincial Pharmaceutical Regulation and submit all required documents, including an application form, to the College of Pharmacists of Manitoba. Internship candidates cannot begin their internship program without authorization from the College of Pharmacists of Manitoba
Students entering their final year of study at the University of Manitoba College of Pharmacy must complete an Intern Application for the College of Pharmacists of Manitoba and submit it to the College of Pharmacists of Manitoba.
International graduates of a post-secondary pharmacy program must complete all of the steps outlined on the Pharmacists from outside of Canada page.
Graduates of a post-secondary pharmacy program in a province other than Manitoba who want to complete their internship in Manitoba must contact the College office.
July 27, 2020
Graduates of post-secondary pharmacy programs from outside Manitoba or Canada must serve a 600-hour internship to be completed in a period of 15 to 21 weeks.
For students of the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences College of Pharmacy at the University of Manitoba, 240 hours of the internship period can be served prior to graduation (pre-graduation internship) as part of the University’s 4th year Structured Practical Experiential Program (SPEP). The remaining 360 hours must be completed after students finish their 4th year SPEP rotations. Post-graduate internships must be completed in a period of 9 to 15 weeks.
July 27, 2020
An intern cannot work more than 40 hours per week as part of their internship program.
July 27, 2020
Whether an intern works for wages or not is based solely on the discretion of the pharmacy owner or manager. The College does not oversee pharmacy team wages.
July 27, 2020
Family members are not permitted to serve as preceptors for their relations, including parents, children, husbands, wives, aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, grandchildren, sisters, brothers, and in-laws.
July 27, 2020
Preceptors are licensed pharmacists who have been practicing in Manitoba for one year or more, are compliant with all aspects of The Pharmaceutical Act, and have been approved by the College to act as preceptors.
Interns are responsible to find their own preceptors. The College website provides a searchable listing of licensed pharmacists in the province of Manitoba. Interns can use this list to contact pharmacies to ask if there is a pharmacist on staff who is willing to act as their preceptor.
A minimum of 400 of the total 600 internship practice hours must be served in a pharmacy that has direct contact with patients. If a practice site cannot meet this requirement, interns must contact the College of Pharmacists of Manitoba so additional arrangements can be made.
Once a pharmacist has agreed to act as a preceptor, the intern can log into his/her online profile with the College and follow the “Name Your Preceptor” link that will open a simple form. Once this short form has been filled out, an email notifying the College of the intern’s request will automatically be generated. The College will then notify the potential preceptor and provide him/her with instructions to apply to become a preceptor.
Please note that licensed pharmacists are not obligated to supervise internships and the preceptor role is entirely voluntary. If the pharmacist does not meet the requirements to become a preceptor, the intern will be responsible for finding another eligible pharmacist to act as his/her preceptor.
July 27, 2020
Any changes in preceptor pharmacist and/or pharmacy will require the advance approval of the Registrar. Interns cannot switch preceptors and/or pharmacies during the their internship without approval from the College of Pharmacists of Manitoba.
July 27, 2020
The preceptor will evaluate the intern three times throughout the internship using the assessment forms outlined in the College of pharmacists of Manitoba Internship Manual. For a University of Manitoba graduate, a post-graduate internship is evaluated every 120 hours. For international graduates of pharmacy, internships are evaluated every 200 hours.
Following each evaluation, the completed assessment forms shall be signed by both the preceptor and the intern and submitted to the College within seven days of the completion of the portion of the internship. Success will be based on the preceptor’s assessment of the intern’s performance.
Interns and preceptors are also required to assess the internship program using the forms contained in the Internship Manual and submit them to the College within seven days of completion of the internship.
July 27, 2020
A post-graduate pharmacy intern can engage in any pharmacy practice under the supervision of a pharmacist excluding practices that require additional training or College of Pharmacists of Manitoba certification. For instance, pharmacy practices such as administering injections or prescribing Schedule III Drugs require College of Pharmacists of Manitoba certification. An intern can only perform these tasks under a certified pharmacist if they have received the appropriate training during their undergraduate program at the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences College of Pharmacy at the University of Manitoba.
A post-graduate intern can also perform a final medication check (as outlined by the Pharmaceutical Regulations to The Act, sections 70 (1j) and 70 (1k) only after successfully completing the demonstration of product release proficiency (DPRP) activity; however, this is allowed at the discretion of the preceptor who will remain accountable for the final medication check.
July 27, 2020
No, if a preceptor has doubts about the competency of the intern, the preceptor should not recommend the intern to be licensed to practice pharmacy in Manitoba. The Statement of Completion of Internship contained in the Internship Manual offers the following options:
July 27, 2020
If the intern is not recommended for registration and licensure by the preceptor, the intern will not be eligible for registration as a pharmacist under The Pharmaceutical Act. The opinion of a second preceptor, assigned by the College, can be obtained. If after a second preceptor has deemed the applicant unsuccessful, the intern may appeal this decision to Council within 30 days, as per The Pharmaceutical Act, Appeals Section 21(1). This can be done by filing a notice of appeal in writing with the Registrar by confirmed delivery (registered) mail.