Notice: The CPhM phone system is currently in transition. We encourage the public, registrants, and other stakeholders to email with their phone number if they would like a call back, instead of leaving a phone message at this time.
How to Register as a Manitoba Pharmacy Technician From Outside Canada
Before the application process begins with the College of Pharmacists of Manitoba (CPhM), you must go through the Pharmacist Examining Board of Canada (PEBC) international evaluation process and successfully complete all components of the PEBC Pharmacy Technician Qualifying Exam Certification.
Use the step-by-step process below to guide you through the registration and licensure application process. Be sure to click on and read through each step.
Step 1: Complete Foundational Requirements
Successfully complete the PEBC International Evaluation process or exam and Pharmacy Technician Qualifying Examinations. You have three years to apply for listing with CPhM once you have PEBC Certification. Please visit for more information.
Language proficiency in either English or French. You must meet the minimum language proficiency requirements set by the National Association of Regulatory Authorities (NAPRA). All minimum scores in each section must be obtained within one test sitting.
The evidence of your language proficiency must be dated within two years of your CPhM application.
Step 2: Apply to CPhM
Complete the CPhM Application for Listing for International Pharmacy Technician Graduates and submit all supporting documentation.
You will be notified once your initial application has been reviewed and you can proceed with the remaining steps.
Step 3: Complete the SPT Program and JP Exam Requirements
Applicants must complete the Structured Practical Training (SPT) Program and Jurisprudence Modules and Exam .
Structured Practical Training (SPT) Program
You must successfully complete all parts of the Structured Practical Training (SPT) Program and the Pharmacy Jurisprudence Modules and Exam to be listed as a pharmacy technician in Manitoba.
International pharmacy technician graduates must complete a minimum of 480 hours of structured practical training.
To begin the SPT Program, you must
- find a practice site and supervisor;
- complete and submit the Pharmacy Technician Structured Practical Training Notification Form to the College; and
- receive approval from the College to begin an SPT program.
See Structured Practical Training Program | College of Pharmacists of Manitoba ( for more information.
You will need to complete parts of the SPT Program again if you do not become listed with CPhM within one year of completing your SPT Program.
Jurisprudence Modules and Exam
Before CPhM can schedule you to write the Jurisprudence (JP) Exam, you must complete the Pharmacy Jurisprudence Modules.
See Jurisprudence Examination for more information.
Step 4: Approval of Listing
Once you have successfully completed all steps and have submitted the required forms and documentation, you are eligible to be listed as a pharmacy technician by CPhM. You will receive a notice by email once your application has been approved.
The Registrar and/or the Board of Examiners retain the authority to consider each individual application on its own merits and to exercise discretion in setting additional conditions of that applicant, based on the individual particulars of that application.