CPhM Committees

Composition of each committee is set out in its terms of reference and consists of Council members, members of the public, and pharmacists and pharmacy technicians appointed by Council.

Statutory Committees

The authority and duties of statutory committees are outlined in the Pharmaceutical Act and Pharmaceutical Regulation.

Board of Examiners

The Board of Examiners works with CPhM staff to consider and decide on applications for registration, as outlined in the Pharmaceutical Act.  The Board of Examiners has delegated authority to review and approve individual applications for registration.

Complaints Committee

The Complaints Committee is delegated authority in the Pharmaceutical Act to investigate and make decisions on complaint matters related to the conduct of CPhM registrants, owners, students, and interns. The Complaints Committee has the authority, following investigation, to decide whether the complaint warrants a referral to the Discipline Committee or some other action which upholds the public interest.  Complaints Committee decisions are legal in nature and issued independent from oversight or input of Council.

Discipline Committee

The Discipline Committee is delegated authority in the Pharmaceutical Act to conduct hearings in cases referred by the Complaints Committee relating to the serious nature of alleged professional misconduct or incompetence. As with Complaints Committee decisions, Discipline Committee decisions are legal in nature, and issued independent from oversight or input of Council.

Dispensing Practitioner Committee

The Dispensing Practitioner Committee considers and decides on applications from practitioners who are not full registered pharmacists to be designated as dispensing practitioners in order to improve patient care and safety in remote communities that do not have reasonable access to pharmacy services.  These decisions are made in accordance with the Pharmaceutical Regulation of the Pharmaceutical Act, Part.11.

Extended Practice Pharmacists Advisory Committee

The Extended Practice Pharmacists Advisory Committee reviews and makes recommendations to Council about the regulatory provisions, standards of practice, practice directions and the Code of Ethics that relate to extended practice pharmacists, including the outcomes of inspections and audits that relate to extended practice pharmacists.

Standing Committees

Standing committees are established by Council to assist with the work of Council.  The duties of each standing committee are set out in the committee-specific terms of reference.

Appointments Committee

The Appointments Committee is responsible for reviewing registrant applications for Council positions and identifying a slate of individuals to recommend for Council confirmation. The selections are based on established competencies that aim to ensure Council composition is diverse and inclusive.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee is responsible for governance, committee structures, and succession planning for both Council and senior management, as well as other duties as delegated to it by Council.

Members of Executive Committee are Council members and are elected to the Committee by Council.

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee is responsible for monitoring the financial affairs of CPhM: financial planning and budget preparations, financial condition, external audit, and financial policies.  It ensures there are adequate systems and practices in place to provide reasonable assurance of compliance with generally accepted and sound accounting principles for a not-for-profit organization. The Committee reports and makes recommendations to Council.

Quality Assurance Committee

The Quality Assurance Committee is responsible for oversight of the CPhM Quality Assurance Program which helps ensure the continuing competency of pharmacists and pharmacy technicians to promote high practice standards amongst registrants.

Professional Practice Committee

The Professional Practice Committee is responsible for reviewing, recommending, and keeping current, the standards of practice, practice directions, and practice guidelines to ensure minimum requirements for pharmacy practice, patient health outcomes and patient safety are defined. The Committee oversees consultations, as approved by Council, to obtain feedback and works with subject matter experts to reflect contemporary pharmacy practice in these documents.

Becoming a CPhM Committee Member

Composition of each committee is set out in its terms of reference and consists of Council members, members of the public, pharmacists and pharmacy technicians.  Those interested in becoming a committee member with the CPhM are encouraged to review Committee Service and submit a Committee Expression of Interest Form to info@cphm.ca.

Meetings and Minutes

CPhM Council meets five times per year and meetings are open to the public.

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CPhM is governed by Council. By legislated mandate, CPhM must protect the public interest and ensure patients receive safe, ethical care.

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