CPhM Executive Committee Members for 2022-2024 Term
At its inaugural meeting, the new Council of the College of Pharmacists of Manitoba (CPhM) elected officers to serve on Executive Committee for the 2022 – 2024 term. In addition, Council appointed a Public Representative to serve as a member of the Executive Committee. Council acknowledges the importance of public representation at all levels of its governance framework and strives to achieve transparent and accountable governance in the public interest.
Council Members for the 2022 – 2024 Term
Executive Committee Members
Jane Lamont, President, District 2
Ryan Buffie, Vice President, District 1
Wendy Clark, Past President
Jennifer Ludwig, Executive Treasurer, District 2
Donna Forbes, Public Representative
Amanda Andreas, Public Representative
Tory Crawford, Public Representative
Alanna Doell, District 1
Donald Himbeault, Public Representative
Drupad Joshi, District 2
Brendon Mitchell, District 1
Kristine Petrasko, District 2
Sonal Purohit, District 1
Dr. Lalitha Raman-Wilms, Dean, College of Pharmacy
Elizabeth Reimer, Public Representative
Submission of Loss or Theft Reports to Health Canada — Fax Decommissioned
Health Canada’s Office of Controlled Substances fax line for controlled substances (narcotic, controlled and targeted drugs) Loss or Theft Reports has been out of service since April 5, 2022. The fax line is being decommissioned due to technical issues.
Health Canada will no longer accept Loss or Theft Reports by fax. Reports can continue to be sent to Health Canada through
- The Health Canada E-Services Portal or
- via email to ocs.reporting-rapporter.bsc@hc-sc.gc.ca
If you have attempted to submit a report through fax to Health Canada since April 5 and it did not go through, please resubmit using one of the methods identified above.
In addition to reporting to Health Canada, all pharmacists must continue to report the loss or theft of controlled substances to the College by submitting a copy of their Loss or Theft Report by fax (204-237-3468) or email (losstheft@cphm.ca).
A physical or electronic copy of the Loss or Theft Report must be retained at the pharmacy for five years and be readily available in the event of an audit.
For more information on reporting loss or theft of controlled substances to Health Canada, please visit the Health Canada website or contact ocs.reporting-rapporter.bsc@hc-sc.gc.ca
Availability of OAT 101: Introduction to Clinical Practice Workshops
As previously published in the December 22, 2021 Friday Five, the federal Substance Use and Addictions Program (SUAP) grant that provided funding for provision of the Opioid Agonist Therapy (OAT) 101: Introduction to Clinical Practice Workshop will be coming to an end in June 2022.
After this time, the University of Manitoba Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Medicine program, in collaboration with past subject matter experts and with partial funding from CPhM, will offer the interdisciplinary OAT 101 Workshops. The continuation and sustainability of the provision of the OAT 101 Workshops will be reassessed annually. Currently, any pharmacy providing methadone for OAT must have at least one trained pharmacist that has completed this two-day workshop. Pharmacists dispensing buprenorphine/naloxone for OAT can also complete this workshop.
The next workshops offered under the new model will take place on October 20-21 and December 15-16, 2022. Further information will be available soon on the University of Manitoba CPD website here.
Updated Practice Directions Approved on May 6, 2022
CPhM Council approved amendments to the following practice directions during their meeting on May 6, 2022:
- Administration of Drugs including Vaccines
- Permanent and Temporary Pharmacy Closure
- Termination of a Patient Relationship
These updated practice directions are now in effect and have been posted on the College website’s resource library. Registrants should review the updated practice directions and familiarize themselves with the changes.
PrEP & PEP: What you need to know about HIV prevention in Manitoba
Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) and Post Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) are HIV prevention interventions that HIV-negative people can use to decrease the risk of acquiring HIV. The effectiveness depends on many factors, including accessibility, affordability, education on the proper use of antiretrovirals and appropriate monitoring.
Many health care providers remain unaware of provincially funded programs and initiatives that were created to improve affordability and access to PrEP and PEP medications. They are often unsure who may be eligible and how these medications need to be taken. This has led to prescribing and dispensing errors and issues with timely access to the correct medication.
PrEP & PEP: What you need to know about HIV prevention in Manitoba is a non-accredited, live webinar, held on May 16, 2022, developed by the WRHA Manitoba HIV Program to help ensure that these highly effective interventions are available for people who may be at increased risk for acquiring HIV. For more information on this webinar, please click here.
Upcoming Events and Professional Development Opportunities
ISMP Canada Medication Safety Workshops:
Patient Safety Incident Analysis and Proactive Risk Assessment Workshop for Health Care Professionals
April 28-29, May 14-15, & June 16-17, 2022
Register here.
Multi-Incident Analysis and Medication Safety Culture Assessment Virtual Workshop
June 2-3, & October 1-2, 2022
Register here.
MedRec and BPMH Training for Health Care Professionals Workshop
May 19, September 24, & November 18, 2022
Register here.
Continuing Education/Professional Development in Aging Survey
Click here to participate in a University of Manitoba, Centre on Aging survey about continuing education and professional development in aging.
Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists – MB Spring Half Day 2022 Webinar
May 14, 2022
Register here.
Canadian Association of Pharmacy Technicians Professional Development Virtual Conference
May 29, 2022
Register here.