Notice: The CPhM phone system is currently in transition. We encourage the public, registrants, and other stakeholders to email with their phone number if they would like a call back, instead of leaving a phone message at this time.

Pharmacists From Inside of Canada

If you are a pharmacist currently licensed in another jurisdiction in Canada or are a graduate of a Canadian CCAPP accredited pharmacy program, you are eligible for registration and licensure with the College of Pharmacists of Manitoba (CPhM).

How to Register From Another Jurisdiction Within Canada

If this is the first time you are registering and licensing in Manitoba, please follow the steps outlined below. Be sure to click on and read through each step.

If you were registered and licensed in Manitoba in the past, please contact the Registration Officer at and they will provide you with an application and steps to follow.

You are eligible for registration and licensure with the CPhM if:

  • you are a pharmacist currently licensed in another jurisdiction in Canada; or
  • you are a pharmacy graduate from a Canadian CCAPP-accredited pharmacy program and are not currently licensed in another jurisdiction in Canada.

If you have any questions about the process below, contact the Registration Officer by email at

Step 1: Submit Your Application to the College

For pharmacists currently licensed in another jurisdiction in Canada:

Complete the Application Registration Initial Licence Mobility Agreement and submit your application to the College.

For graduates from a Canadian CCAPP-accredited pharmacy program who are not currently licensed in another jurisdiction in Canada:

Complete the Application for Registration and Initial Licensure for Out-of-Province Graduates of a Canadian CCAPP-Accredited Pharmacist Program

Please see Step Two for additional information on supporting documents.

Step 2: Submit Supporting Documents to CPhM

Provide the following documentation to CPhM along with your application and allow 2-3 weeks for CPhM to review:

  • Registration Fee

  • Notarized Documents

    You must get all of the following documents notarized by a notary public in Canada:

    • An original passport size and style photograph placed on white paper for the notary public to sign and seal. See an example.
    • A copy of your birth certificate. If the name on your application is not the same as the name on your birth certificate, you must include a notarized copy of a name change certificate. If your birth certificate or name change certificate is not in English, you must have these documents translated by a certified translator. See the How to Submit Translated Documents instructions for guidance.
    • Copy of graduation certificate (only for pharmacist applicants not currently licensed in another Canadian jurisdiction). 
    • A notarized statement of registration background and disclosures. Use the Notarized Statement Template.
  • Letter of Standing

    A Letter of Standing, sent directly to CPhM from other Canadian pharmacy regulators where you are currently licensed/registered and where you have previously held a licence, if applicable.  

  • Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada (PEBC) Qualification Certification (only for pharmacist applicants not currently licensed in another Canadian jurisdiction). 

    A copy of your PEBC Qualification Certificate and / or a copy of the letter from PEBC confirming qualification (the date thereof, must be within three (3) years prior to completing registration with CPhM), if applicable. 

    Applicants who have not yet successfully completed the PEBC Qualifying Examinations will need to submit this document prior to being registered and licensed. 

  • Criminal Record, Vulnerable Sector Search, and Adult and Child Abuse Registry Checks

    Your application to the College to practice as a pharmacy student or intern, pharmacy technician, or pharmacist must include a

    • Criminal Record Check including a Vulnerable Sector Search;
    • Adult Abuse Registry Check; and
    • Child Abuse Registry Check.

    Your checks are considered current only if the Registrar receives them within six months or less of the dates they were completed.

    For more information visit Criminal Record, Vulnerable Sector Search, and Adult and Child Abuse Registry Checks | College of Pharmacists of Manitoba (

Step 3: Registrar's Review of Your Application

The Registrar or designate will review your application and the accompanying documents listed in Step 2. Once your file is approved, you will be eligible to write the jurisprudence examination.

Step 4: Complete a 200-Hour Internship in Manitoba (only for pharmacist applicants not currently licensed in another province)

You can begin your internship only once the College has approved 

  1. your application; and 
  2. the preceptor you chose to oversee your internship. 

You are responsible for finding a preceptor to oversee your internship. You can use the College’s pharmacy registerto search for a practice site. You can also search job postings on the Pharmacists Manitoba website. 

Once you have found a pharmacist to act as your preceptor, the pharmacist must complete a Preceptor Application, submit it to the College, and be approved to act as your preceptor before you start your internship. 

Please note the following before you choose a pharmacist to act as your preceptor: 

  • Your immediate family members cannot act as preceptors. This includes parents, children, spouses, aunts, uncles, grandparents, grandchildren, siblings, and in-laws. 
  • You cannot transfer internship hours spent with one preceptor to another preceptor. You will need the College Registrar’s approval if you decide to change your internship site or preceptor. 

For more information about internships, please see FAQs for Interns and Preceptors below and the Internship Manual. 

You may complete Step 5 (Jurisprudence Exam) prior to completing Step 4.  

Step 5: Successfully Complete the Pharmacy Jurisprudence Modules and Jurisprudence Exam

Before CPhM can schedule you to write the Jurisprudence Examination (JP Exam), you must complete the Pharmacy Jurisprudence Modules. The modules are hosted by the University of Manitoba (U of M) Continuing Professional Development (CPD) website and you can complete them at any time. 

Registration for the Modules: College of Pharmacists of Manitoba Pharmacy Jurisprudence Modules 

Cost: $100 (payable to U of M CPD)

Estimated time to complete: 12 – 15 hours

The JP Exam is offered remotely once per month by the College of Pharmacists of Manitoba. For additional information about the modules and JP Exam, please visit the Jurisprudence Examination page.

Step 6: Review of Your Application

Once you meet all of the requirements listed in Steps 1-5, your application will be reviewed for approval. Please allow 2-3 weeks for the review. Once the application is approved, CPhM will process your licence.

University of Manitoba Students

First year students of the University of Manitoba must register with the College of Pharmacists of Manitoba. The registration process includes various steps depending on the type of registration you are seeking.

Learn more


International pharmacy graduates and students/graduates of the University of Manitoba complete internships to support experiential learning and the registration and licensing process.

Learn more